Results from the making of this thesis in the form of a software that can produce reports of sales of spare part and service transactions and the related consolidated salary mechanics easily, accurately and efficiently without the need for lengthy calculations.

Making this thesis using NetBeans IDE 6.8 Java as a programming language and the MySQL DBMS as the database. Based on the background of these problems, the author designed the information systems and service sales of motorcycle spare parts and mechanical computerized payroll. Berikut ini ada beberapa judul-judul skripsi jurusan Teknik Informatika, Manajemen Informatika, Sistem Informasi dll yang bisa kawan-kawan jadikan sebagai. Recording and calculation of salary based on service revenue service mechanic is only recorded in a book and counted manually. Garage sales transaction records Sabar Motor rely on evidence in the form of memorandum of sale of transactions. Sabar Motor workshop is one shop that sells spare parts and services serve the service for motorcycles. Motorcycle owners have to perform maintenance on the bike every month or at the appointed time with the aim of convenience in the use of motorcycles. BukuPanduanPenulisanSKRIPSI 2015 STMIKPALCOMTECH Rev.04 Palembang BUKU PANDUAN PENULISAN SKRIPSI STMIK PALCOMTECHSEKOLAH TINGGI MANAJEMEN INFORMATIKA DAN.

The motorcycle is one of the most widely used vehicles of society, both from lower, middle, or top. S Liminations of public services is one reason for people to have their own vehicles, to assist in carrying out daily activities.